Choose your ideal plan

Quality is more important than quantity. Each plan is upgradable.


Perfect for a single, very fast website, thanks to LiteSpeed technology (10x faster than Apache) and MaríaDB instead of MySQL (faster & more secure)

  • 2 GB space (more than most typical websites need)

  • TLS/SSL license for HTTPS included

  • From US$96/year when paying triennially


Up to 8 fast websites for a single price, thanks to LiteSpeed technology (10x faster than Apache) and MaríaDB instead of MySQL (faster & more secure)

  • 7 GB to share with your websites

  • TLS/SSL license included for HTTPS for each site

  • From US$303/year when paying triennially


Live Internet radio broadcasting or pre-recorded podcasting all combined with WordPress website with your own doman, hosting for your live Internet radio show or prerecorded podcast.

  • In case of podcasting, you'll have your own RSS based on your domain, not TecnoTur's.

  • Initial setup of your website and radio or podcast, and we help you comply with GDPR and DMCA policies and procedures.

  • From US$494/year when paying triennially

Essential E-Commerce

The essentials for e-commerce, memberships or subscriptions

Comercio-e profesional

The professional choice for E-Commerce, memberships and subscriptions.

Comercio-e Enterprise

Enterprise E-Commerce for memberships and subscriptions

Book portal

To promote, link and directly sell your book. We help you connect to the payment gateway so you get your funds directly.